Getting Your Players To Own Their Game!
Who drives the process when it comes to individual player development?
If you are a college coach with 32 athletes on the team it is critical that the players "own their game." It is impossible for the coach to drive the process in this type of environment. You need the players to take ownership, responsibility and hold themselves accountable for their own growth.
This has been my challenge for a while now. Luckily I think I found the solution while visiting Ajax in Holland. While spending the day at the club their the video analyst explained how Ajax uses Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to drive individual development and growth. KPIs are things that if the player is doing well, within the context of the team, then the player and the team will be successful.
Since my players returned in January from their Winter Break we have been on a journey together to create their KPIs and help empower them to own their game.
Over the next few weeks I'll explain this process and give some insight into our progress.